I can sure think of worst places to write about nothing.

Sometimes to understand my posts, I think you should see where I’m writing them from. What I’m using as a backdrop for my literary canvas. I have a great opportunity this summer. Instead of writing out of the garden shed/cabin that was my room. Or the common kitchen that we more of a cinderblock guard shack out of a South American French penal colony.

On my very first day, I took a nice lodge pole rocking chair at the back of Lake McDonald Lodge with a view of the lake. A little sun on my face and my HP on my lap.

On another stormy day, I decided to sit at the end of the big table in the main lodge at Lake McDonald. Taking in the ambiance of the great big fireplace the room is known for.

Actually, I get stuck a lot in the employee cafeteria too. At least during my stay at Lake McDonald. This is the only way I can push any content thru the internet up to my website. Still takes ten times longer (if it doesn’t crash) than it would with just a simple pair of tin cans and a piece of twine. But hey, you have to work with what you’ve got.

Now, a story day and the Many Glacier Hotel Lobby go hand in hand. And if you are there early enough in the morning, you will find one of the rare times you have it all to yourself. I spent a little time in one of the sofas at the Great Fireplace.

And then when it got a little crowded and people were distracting me, I moved on to one of the wingback side chairs. MGH is truly timeless. Takes you back to the end of the Gilded Age, when being rich and showing it was the thing to do. Kind of like the 1980s, just without all of the cocaine.

When I’m on the East Side full-time, I work on some drafts in the common kitchen area. Not nearly as scenic and plush as some of the past ones, but this is the place with the most foot traffic. From filling out driving logs to heating up some Ramen, all roads pass thru this open rafter rat factory.

Of course, I did get put into an East Side covid quarantine cabin for a night. Not that I was sick, but my roommate was and since I was gone they figured just let him stay put. So I did some writing out on the deck as the sun was going down, where I could listen to the birds at the end of the day.

Of course, when it got too cool, I relocated to a comfy couch to edit and push out my post for the evening. Not a bad place on the whole. Except for the random creaks in the walls and ceiling that I’m pretty sure are a rat (more likely a family).

Sometimes I like to just find a little corner to write. I still like being immersed in the humming vitality of the LMD lobby crowd, but there are moments when I want to focus. I found this great little cubby, hemmed in by three massive log columns. Great acoustics for overhearing what everyone is saying, but I blend in and no one notices me. Bonus: lots of dead trophy heads hovering above. Hey, I even see my Spirit Animal up there looking out for me.

The common rec room has also been a good spot to land from time to time when I just needed a little more space and a whole lot of heat.

Of course, the front porch of my cabin isn’t that bad either. I call this my talking chair. But it works for a laptop as well. Usually, after the sun gets long in the sky it’s a nice cool spot to sit until the mosquitos come out for the evening bite.

I’m sure I will find other places to inspire me this summer. But just thought I would toss out a sampler of where I like to compose my narratives on the human condition.

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