Who Am I?

I’m Dave. Average guy. Married for a few decades, couple of kids, house with a lawn that takes a little longer to mow than I would like. Worked my way thru college, never afraid of manual labor, and unusual things interest me. They can take the form of a puzzle, a book, a hike, a climb, a car, a firearm, or someone with fascinating life experiences to share. Let’s just say I never lost my curiosity of the the world. Or to quote my wife, I have the mentality of a middle schooler. I would agree with that. Except I’m not afraid of detention or what goes on my permanent record.
Why this Blog?
I like to write. Always have. In the days of snail mail I was a ball point pen god. With email, not so much. Mainly because I tried to maintain the composure of a handwritten letter which did not match the short/quick format of an email. Then email evolved into text, and since my opposable thumbs are for holding tools and not typing, all was lost.
Summer of 2021 gave me an opportunity to write some extended and meaningful content outside my annual Xmas letter (which has a real love/hate following with our Christmas card recipients). As such I decided to invest some time into creating this blog. After avoiding this technology for twenty years, it’s time to embrace.
I’ve had many people over the years say I should write a book. But no living creature could take a couple hundred pages of what my mind turns outs. So I’m going with the Netflix’s approach. The modern human mind cannot commit to a two hour movie anymore, so give them a season of 30 minutes shows they will binge watch over a weekend.
What to Expect
Absolutely nothing. Keep your expectations low. I’ve built out categories that I feel can contain my mind’s meanderings over the next few months, years, maybe even decades. Pick through and find the pearls that make you smile. Ignore what doesn’t float your boat. Share what you feel is worthy with like minded acquaintances. I’ve always been a storyteller at heart. I feel that this outlet, this medium, has been waiting for me my entire life. I’ve finally turned the key that freed my mind.