Cabin in the Woods. Spoiler – no Zombie Redneck Torture Family.

Yeah, I love that movie Cabin in the Woods. It had some big names in it. It was a horrible kind of patient-zero end-of-days movie, but just enough stoner dude content to make me giggle.

It is often underrated film from 2012

And yes. It did feature a Zombie Redneck Torture Family.

Yeah. It’s a pop culture thing.

One of the many perks of completing my one week of mandatory returning Red Bus training that second week of May is being able to get in some early hikes. There’s nothing like starting the season with almost fifty miles under your boots.

But I would argue that being able to check into my seasonal housing—a full month early—is also pretty cool. Of course, it helps to keep on good terms with HR and the property manager. At least, that’s how I got signed up for good old Cabin #4 once again.

So imagine my surprise when I made the two-hour drive to Beargrass on an early Friday evening and found this view from the cabin porch. Last summer, when I arrived at this backcountry playground this very same week, it was NOT a winter wasteland.


I was thinking the trees would be all opened up and big sunny skies. Not a nuclear winter. This is the view from Cabin #4 last summer:

Ah, wonderful

But we live in a world full of powerful TikTok content. So here is a brief clip of what winter feels like in Montana in mid-May.

Summer is coming. Eventually. Ask Stark.

The property manager is the same as last season (Justin), and he did me a solid. Not only did he sign me in and provide the key and parking sticker for the summer, but he also had the lights on and the heater roaring.

Love the hardwoods!

Pretty much how I remembered it. An 18 x 18 foot box with a couple of beds, mini-dressers, and a small table and chairs.

I’ve had the purple duffle for 25 plus years

And how could I not call out a ratty little torn and stained loveseat that appears to have been pulled from a dumpster fire in the late 1990s?

If the deck was bigger, I would shove a smoke bomb in this tick magnet and leave it outside for a month or so to fumigate.

I know where the mouse holes are!

I think the real estate terms that would apply are beautiful great room with an open floor plan and tons of natural light. I would go with something more rustic, like country cozy and modestly maintained.

Love the Shawshank prison bunks

At least there is a mini fridge to hold my beer. The only person I will have to worry about stealing it is my roommate. Kind of cramped for two, but how much time will I be spending in it with Glacier Park just outside the window!

Mini fridge!!!

There are always reminders of deferred maintenance. Xanterra bought this private campground to house employees in 2019. And this shower door has not been cleaned since I graduated college in 1988.

I scraped enough calcium with a razor blade in two minutes for a dozen bull moose to grow full sets of antlers. Or supplement the diets of a thousand pack rats for life.

Yeah. Ick.

But my time here is short, and I have an eight hour drive the next afternoon to get home. But not before I make some fun cabin upgrades for seasonal living!

So since I will have a roommate, I was thinking of how to divide the room. You know. Kind of his space and my space sort of thing. But still have a common area feel.

Yes. I got hardware for hangers.

And because I am such a stand out guy, I even bought blackout curtains. You can just say I am a really super caring roommate.

Time to sleep

But of course when you have to cohabitate with someone for several months, that open space that can so important. With the sleeping curtain back we will be one big family.


I didn’t like how I had to make that stupid sofa thing fit. But is does provide a sitting area and doesn’t look too hokey or obtrusive when the curtain is closed. I had to throw something over it so my skin would stop crawling.

Yeah. Blankets from home.

I love this view. And I love to sleep next to it. It is home. My peace. A tranquility that drops my sleeping heartbeat down to 46 thumps a minute. A personal solace for the most stressful of red bus tourings days to come.


Welcome to the library. It will make a nice place to write up some blog content this summer.

The floors are easy to clean

The bathroom is small but functional. And sure beats having to use a common shower house like they have at some of the employee RV parks.

The shower only measures 24″ x 28″

The big stone head is always watching. Waiting. Awake and telling me to take on the day.

I say goodnight every evening

Of course, night is a whole different world. The full moon can really light up the sky. I can also see the Milky Way clearer there than any other place I can recall.

I know there is something out there watching me

Of course, this summer I’m going to make my own stars. And more than likely piss off a few neighbors.


It was time to start the trip home. A couple of outside picture of the cabin before I take my leave. When I come back, all of these leaves will have sprung and I’ll be kicking back in the cool shade on the deck in my hammock.

The trees will swallow it up soon
The shade is nice in full summer

Almost forgot. Since I have the contacts, I also know who I have been assigned to as a roommate. It’s going to be this guy:

Jason Bourne?

You might also know him as the guy who occasionally mows my lawn as I pay for his college education instead of buying a new truck.

Marginal yard service

And if you STILL can’t tell, that’s my son, Mitch. Yep. Finishing up the college and doesn’t know what quite to do yet. I suggested applying to be a Red Bus driver at Glacier for a couple of reasons.

First of all, he is not afraid of talking to strangers and I think would be good at it. Then he’ll come home with a couple of bucks in a less than stellar bank account. but best of all, it keeps him from living in my basement just a few months.

He finishes up first year training, in a couple of short weeks. The we will be bunking together for the summer. Father/son Jammer team. It’s going to be fun.

Goatboy out!

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