Category: GNP 2024 – Family Ties
Mitch and I take a second bite of the Going to the Sun apple. The season is getting short, and not many more opportunities. But this time, it wasn’t bears eating moths. But the usual nemesis – weather!
Although the peak was not to be had, everything up to the summit was worth the effort. I’m not sure if I should blame the bears or the months, but it clearly takes both for keep me off a summit
Sometimes I have a storyline with no visual media. And people hate looking at just words (called a ‘book’ in some cultures). Sometimes, I have visual media with no storyline. Alas, which is worse?
Anyone who has read anything I’ve written over the last several years knows I have a blood feud with marmots. But on this hike, I was surprised at what I found.
Everyone loves the Red Buses. To really get to know them, you can only do it behind the wheel. Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night……
Climbing in Glacier NP, you meet all kinds of people, especially off the beaten trail and atop the peaks. And sometimes ask yourself: What did all those oranges mean in the Godfather movies????
Seasonal work means seasonal roommate(s). And let me tell you, they can make or break a summer. Family or not.
Henkel. It’s not a name that rolls off the tongue. But if you have reached the summit, you will always want to return to it for the test of your life. At least for me.
Climbing with my son in Glacier Park—it doesn’t get much better than that—unless he was also Morgan Fairchild.
Mt. Reynolds never disappoints. One of my favorite summits in the Park. With the worst parking lot in the world (at least, my world)