Jackson Glacier Overlook. So much to NOT overlook.
Went for a nice hike to the Blackfoot Glacier complex. Turned back by a mother grizzly and her cub. Life to climb another day.
and so much more
Went for a nice hike to the Blackfoot Glacier complex. Turned back by a mother grizzly and her cub. Life to climb another day.
Dave has to take a few days off his fake job for his real job (which some say is also kind of fake). Go figure. And thus I lose the trail miles I needed to make my unofficial summer goal.
Climbing Goat Mtn, Glacier National Park
What happens when the RV Park Host goes Full Metal Jacket.
I talk about all of the stuff I lost in the park this summer. Some of my favorite gear. A personally painful way to give back to GNP.
Great day to climb Mt Reynolds. This time, with a real old friend (not imaginary)
It was a great day to climb Cataract Mountain off of Piegan Pass.
Marking Pt Allen with a rock cairn in Glacier National Park.
I love the stormy sunsets at my favorite pull out on Lake McDonald. I call it a savage kind of beauty. Or is that a copyright infringement for a Johnny Depp cologne?
Huckleberry Fire Lookout, Camas Road, Glacier National Park.