The mountains never forget. But I do. Apparently often.
Climbing summit of Mt Cannon via Logan Pass in Glacier National Park. Not quite how I remembered it.
and so much more
Climbing summit of Mt Cannon via Logan Pass in Glacier National Park. Not quite how I remembered it.
Climbing Mt Reynolds three times in one morning. Bad karma. Logan Pass, Glacier National Park
I talk about all the great things about 1986 and how they shaped my adventures in Glacier Park that summer as a seasonal employee.
Dawson/Pitamakan Pass Loop, Two Medicine area of Glacier Nation Park. Side climbs of Helen and Flinch Peaks.
Exploring my thoughts around the tourist hub known as Apgar Village in Glacier National Park.
Dave’s Beach. No finer place to spend an afternoon.
What’s the hurry, Dave? Why the big rush? Take time to enjoy the scenery.
Climb to the Mt Brown Fire lookout with a mountain goat that will not leave me alone. I have found my spirit animal. Bonded forever.
Climbing on and around Mt Reynolds. Exploring at Logan Pass. There is no end to the wanderings of a great mind.
Hiking stats for the last 3 weeks. I am the person all casual hikers want to be. Losing weight without speed eating sunflower seeds.