Angels and Demons, Glacier style. There shall be blood.
Climbing the Angel Wing in Glacier Park on an absolutely perfect day! Complete with ponds of blood!
and so much more
Climbing the Angel Wing in Glacier Park on an absolutely perfect day! Complete with ponds of blood!
Paying tribute to a peak named after James W Schultz. And the many ways he spelled his Blackfeet name.
Ptarmigan Tunnel AGAIN. Not a bad way to spend a marginal day.
A perfect day of solitude on one of my favorite peaks in GNP.
What has Dave been doing? Well, time to work the backlog.
Morning stroll up Mt Reynolds
A nice way to spend a random afternoon, Glacier style. And with people!
I get to pre-check my old Red Bus from last year, and then not drive it.
Muddy trail. Scary snowbridge. Bears, bears, everywhere!
I document Dave’s Direct as my spring route up to the pass. And pick out places to set up a camp chair when my knees finally blow out.