I’m just a weird imported Japanese car that calls the Lilac City home sweet home.
You get this when you follow a QR code on a funky, weird-looking car that has no reason to be in America.
and so much more
The nice thing about having a lot of hobbies is you have more fun interests than you can do in a lifetime. Sure, your kids will hate it when you die and they have to throw everything on a flatbed and take it do the dump. [Spoiler: no hidden million dollar art work], Here you will see fun stuff, where my interests wax and wane. But when I wax, I go full-on hard-core Karate Kid wax, and Mr. Miyagi very very proud.
You get this when you follow a QR code on a funky, weird-looking car that has no reason to be in America.
This is why you don’t click a QR code decal on a cool badass minivan from Japan in Glacier National Park. Or, maybe it is why you do???
First time I have ever owned van. Or anything with a diesel engine. But at least I have experience with right hand drive.
A friend that I have never met comes all the way from Japan for an extended stay. Good times!
If the Peaky Blinders had an RV85 flare gun for New Years.
What the Fig? Yeah, that might not quite make it into the pop culture lexicon. But oh well.
Yeah. Flare guns. Another insight into the cryptic and labyrinth mind of GoatBoy.
I talk about Nissan Figaro colours. See that? Yeah, big UK influence. The Brits got these cars ten years before the US. Stupid import laws.
A long discussion of what calibers of rifle ammo I have and what like to eat them. Come enjoy a ramble about ammo, and Curio & Relics.
The Figgy wins the international Show Off Your Figaro Contest #figaroadventure