Welcome to Adventures with GoatBoy!!!
This is why you don’t click a QR code decal on a cool badass minivan from Japan in Glacier National Park. Or, maybe it is why you do???
and so much more
There is nothing that can compare to a good road trip. The company, the places, the roadside stops, the small town dinners…. ah, I love Americana. I should have started this years ago. This is where I will recall the best and and take on the new.
This is why you don’t click a QR code decal on a cool badass minivan from Japan in Glacier National Park. Or, maybe it is why you do???
Joe turned 50. Instead of the standard fifty-mile hike to commemorate the event, he opted for a 1300 mile road trip. Come and see the carnage!
Little road trip to GNP in February. Brrrr.