Driving a School Bus – Why I do it
How something so very small, can mean so very much. A quick but powerful read.
and so much more
Welcome to the Medium Dive. This is like pulling a loose thread off a sweater that keeps getting longer and longer. But we stop before the entire thing unravels. Come dance around the rabbit hole with me without falling in. Fact checking very optional.
How something so very small, can mean so very much. A quick but powerful read.
I guess the Figgy doesn’t get ALL the love. The Dodge gets some new parts!
Time and place is the name of the game where you are doing seasonal work at Glacier Park for a couple of months.
I discover different shapes of ice cubes and experiment with how they keep my beverages on the right side of the perfect chill. Come join in the discussion.
Can I take five months of isolation? Always dreamed as a kid of being a Lighthouse Keeper.