Appekunny falls. A walk in the wild. Lions and tigers and bears. Oh, my.
I always have liked these falls. And have always hated seeing bears in the wild. But eggs in a rice cooker is where the real Glacier magic happens.
and so much more
I always have liked these falls. And have always hated seeing bears in the wild. But eggs in a rice cooker is where the real Glacier magic happens.
I almost burn down to the ground a vintage Red Bus AND Glacier National Park. But walk away with a bee sting.
Another Piegan Pass/Cataract Mtn combo. Never gets old. Espeically when I can share it with old friends. Their complaints were my compliments!
A classic loop in Glacier Park down in the Two Medicine area. A must do for anyone serious about hiking that visits the park. Just need some good legs.
A hike up to Grinnell Glacier on a perfect morning with a couple of Buckeyes.
This was a personal best (well, for Glacier). Almost 25 miles in just over 10 hours with a grinding gain/loss of 4,400 feet. This is why I work for $12 an hour.
Climbing Rising Wolf Mtn in the Two Medicine area. Long ridge ascent, horrible bushwhack descent thru an un-scouted drainage. And a good bear scare.
A nice little walkup in the Cutbank area. As though anything with 4000′ of gain over 20 miles is really just a walk up.
A grueling twenty mile, mostly off trail, experience. The mind sometimes leads the body to poor choices.
Waterfalls everywhere. Buy why be bear bait when you don’t have to? At the end of the day, all roads lead to Sun Point.