Climbing with Peter Pan of the Lost Boys. In the shadow of Mt Reynolds.
Great day to climb Mt Reynolds. This time, with a real old friend (not imaginary)
and so much more
Great day to climb Mt Reynolds. This time, with a real old friend (not imaginary)
It was a great day to climb Cataract Mountain off of Piegan Pass.
Marking Pt Allen with a rock cairn in Glacier National Park.
I love the stormy sunsets at my favorite pull out on Lake McDonald. I call it a savage kind of beauty. Or is that a copyright infringement for a Johnny Depp cologne?
Huckleberry Fire Lookout, Camas Road, Glacier National Park.
Can I take five months of isolation? Always dreamed as a kid of being a Lighthouse Keeper.
I question if my roommate is a retired serial killer.
Walk thru a school bus on a very cold Monday morning while I cross my fingers that it will start.
Dave’s Beach on Lake McDonald on a very smokey day. Apgar Fire Lookout Redux.
I discuss how I mastered climbing while driving a shuttle van in Glacier park.