Random pictures from a full time Glacier Red Bus Driver

Sunrift Gorge with roaring Bering Creek never gets old. So very very lush.

Wild Goose Island on a day when the stormy skies abated in the late afternoon.

A little JDM at Many Glacier. This is a Kei car, specifically a Subaru Sambra with a 660 cc engine. When I saw one parked on the street in Bozeman several years ago, it is what got me interested in JDM cars. From the foil in the back window, looks like someone has converted it into a mini RV. Very, very, very mini.

So sad. I was walking to breakfast and saw this single, forlorn, abandoned, woman’s hiking shoe all by its lonesome in the parking lot. Some poor hiker is going to discover this missing when they get probably 200 miles down the road and do not know where it went. Poor thing. Never to be reunited with its ‘Sole’ Mate again. (Gotcha)

After a 12hr plus day running a Red Bus, all I want is a hot shower and heat a warm meal at the old Beargrass RV park. But not to be. Instead, we get a torrential rainstorm. Followed by a hailstorm.

Followed by a complete power outage for the entire complex. But I’m Dave. I adapt. Overcome. Improvise. Not bad, for just a school bus driver.

Of course, how can you beat Running Eagle Falls on a sunny day? With Rising Wolf Mtn in the background? Love the Two Medicine area.

I could watch the Beargrass waffle in the soft summer breeze all day long.

The view of the lower ramparts of Going to the Sun Mountain from the Comfort Station pullout along Going to the Sun Road. Everyone is always looking at the view the other way toward Jackson Glacier. Just need to turn your head around and see what is behind you sometimes.

A little fox eating something sooooo good in the middle of the road to Many Glacier that he would NOT move out of the way. I had to drive around him.

In the newly refurbished Red Bus, they now have 12v USB plugs. So with a mere $220,000 upgrade, I can charge my obsolete 2008 iPod Shuffle. Perfect.

I parked my bus in the back of the Two Medicine Camp Store. I thought the red popped nicely against the backdrop of Rising Wolf. Pretty proud of the backing up job as well.

Rolling into Many Glacier for an early morning tour. Just had to enjoy a little of Mt Wilber from the parking lot.

May as well say Hi to Mt Gould while I was at it. I love the diorite sill, and the white quartzite the heat produced.

It has been a cool and stormy spring. But when the weather abates, it generally pays you back in full (plus some). I love Sun Point on St Mary.

Going to the Sun Mtn from Comfort Station on a more moody afternoon.

Christmas Bridge on Sun Road and Bering Creek all the rage with the spring runoff.

Random piece of glacier-scarred limestone high up near the top of Swiftcurrent Mtn. You can feel the grinding of ice on a rock with your fingers from many millennia ago.

Just a random sampler. I see so much every day. It lightens the body and the mind, regardless of the long hours I put in as a driver and a storyteller. Once you immerse yourself in such a place, the meaningless minutiae of the world seem to float away. At the end of the day, you are physically tired. True. But with a clarity of mind that leaves you more awake than ever. Ten o’clock at night always seems to come way too soon.

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