Angels and Demons, Glacier style. There shall be blood.
Climbing the Angel Wing in Glacier Park on an absolutely perfect day! Complete with ponds of blood!
and so much more
Climbing the Angel Wing in Glacier Park on an absolutely perfect day! Complete with ponds of blood!
What has Dave been doing? Well, time to work the backlog.
Muddy trail. Scary snowbridge. Bears, bears, everywhere!
I try to answer a question that I got asked a LOT this summer. Kinda successfully. Just a little.
A hike up to Grinnell Glacier on a perfect morning with a couple of Buckeyes.
Climbing Goat Mtn, Glacier National Park
Climbing Mt Pollock and Piegan Mt in Glacier Nation Park via Lunch Creek drainage,
Climbing Mt Siyeh while dodging a grizzly bear feeding on moth larva.
Climbing on and around Mt Reynolds. Exploring at Logan Pass. There is no end to the wanderings of a great mind.
Siyeh Pass with no car drop. From Jackson Glacier, to Siyeh Bend, to Siyeh Pass, to Sunrift Gorge, to St Mary’s Falls. Ouch. Long day.