Figgy wins A Major Award! Who needs a comfort animal when you have a Figaro?
There is a place in the UK called the Figaro Shop. And yes, they have every part for a Nissan Figaro that you can imagine. I generally buy from them when they have their Black Friday sale. It’s the only way to offset the very very very expensive shipping to the US. They even fabricate new aftermarket and OEM parts that are no longer available. Even cross-reference old part numbers with similar vehicles in the Nissan family. They’ve been doing this since 2006 when the Figaro became importable to the UK under the 15-year rule.
Anyway, they had a little #FigaroAdventure contest. Send it a picture of you Fig somewhere cool. Well, I guess Spokane WA is now cool because I won. Here are the photos I sent in.

They even asked me to put together a quick little video doing a walkaround.
And here is the update. My swag bag from the Figaro Shop came directly from the United Kingdom.

And what did I win? I got a cool swag bag of Figgy trinkets coming all the way from the other side of the proverbial Pond (and across all of the continental US). I’ll update this post when I get the goodies. Hoping for those cool Figaro shape Air Fresheners.
So it looks like I got a cool canvas tote bag for shopping. Air fresheners and every color of a Figaro. Plus even a cool coffee cup that will fit in the unique Figaro cup holders. And even a nifty wristband. Sorry, but I ate all of the gummy bears.
All in all, I’d say a pretty good take for doing a one-minute video around a car that I truly love. Worth every moment and I was able to share what I call a therapy car that is cuter than a basket full of puppies.
Yes, it’s really a win-win day.