The flattest hike in the Glacier National Park. Exercise in effort and reward.

Original Post 7/17/21

Of course, is you want to see the steepest hike in the park where a mountain goat stalked me with the intention to lick me to death for salt, check out this post:

So, its fair to say that Lincoln Lake left my gas tank emplty and I was pretty well spent after that long day with marginal reward. It is amazing how good sleeping to the late hour of 7am can feel! I decided to take the day off and give the trails and the wilderness some quiet time without me.

But I was feeling pretty good after being up for an hour or so, and mapped out about five miles of interconnected tourist trails that run along McDonald Creek, past McDonald falls, over Sacred Dancing Cascades, and then around Johns Lake. Only about 500 feet of up and down, spread evenly so hardly noticeable. Plus there was a nice little stretch of forested trail along the creek (flowing more like a river with the snow melt from the heat).

Lake McD Crek
McDonald Falls
Sacred Dancing Cascade
The high water marks on the rocks is a little scary.

Although the trail technically ended around Sacred Dancing Cascade, my Spidey senses kicked in and I kept walking up the river thru the forest. Found some game trails, and then in while, sure enough, found the spots where employees would hang out. Cool little beaches with fire rings and calm swimming holes. How did I know there were employee hangouts? Well, because I once was one. And second, all of that candle wax and spilled bong water didn’t get there by itself.

Lone alpine fir
rain filled puddles
what must this be in spring?
Too cool for school!

Turned out to be a nice little early afternoon of finding places in the park I had never taken the time to see. Win/win all around. And it made my feet feel good. Turning a day that was going to be nothing into something is always memorable. All I had to do was …. just get out of bed. 🙂

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