When the annual Fall Hike turns into a road trip – 2021
Nothing says road trip live five guys in a truck driving 1300 miles in five days. That’s called bonding. Add with all of the stops at microbreweries, and it was like living in a can of farts for the better part of a week.
I had to throw out most of my clothes from this trip. They have not invented Tide Pods strong enough yet.
The first stop was in Sandpoint, ID. After catching a bevy and quick eats, we find our accommodations for the night.

Which happens to be a lakeside cabin that belongs to close friends of Joe and his family. Cool wood table with blue resin accents.

Thank you much Joe! Loving the cozy big logs. And making good use of that selfie stick.

Tried to capture the lake from the deck in the AM but to no avail. But you get the idea. It was a great spot to land. Would have liked to have stayed longer.

Now it’s off to Scotchman’s Peak, just outside of Clark Fork, ID.

This one is a meat grinder. 3500′ of gain, which makes it a favorite for the local mountain goat population.

They are clearly not scared of people. Signs at the trailhead said ‘don’t let the goats lick you.’ I think it is funny they have to have a sign for that.

Jon nearing the summit. Great views all the way around.

Don’t let him lick you! You might like it …… 🙁

Joe is on top of the world. At least as far as Idaho is concerned.

After a quick night in Missoula, MT (and more beverages), we continue the journey.

Did a quick pass by Chief Joseph Ranch in Darby, MT. It serves as the setting for a pretty popular cable series. Not sure what is called. Sounds like a national park.
Did a quick pass thru Arco, ID. I lived here for two years in middle school. Arco is known for two things: being the first city in the world lit by peaceful atomic power.
And, more importantly, a place where every high school senior class paints their grad year on the mountain overlooking the town. Glorified Vandalism. Which would be a great name for a 1980s punk rock band.

Had to spend some time at Craters of the Moon NM. Yep, like walking on the moon given the barren lava landscape.

You have no idea how hard it was to set up the camera and run to get into the picture before the timer went off. Took four attempts.

Not only is exploring lava tubes fun, but the Marvel Superhero silhouette poses are AWESOME!

I think the hours in the truck, hiking, and microbeer are catching up with Jon.

Now I have seen a LOT of sci-fi and horror movies in my life. This picture of Joe coming out of a lava tube literally scares the s*** out of me every time I see it. Must be the friendly smile.

Finding our way to Ketchum, ID, we had to stop by the graveyard and pay respects to one of the greatest American authors of all time. It appears we were not the first to have that idea.

Find another micro. Lots and lots of Hemmingway memorabilia. The man loved to shoot. And drink.

Finally onto McCall, ID, and Ponderosa State Park.

Found a great lake to hike around, and a nice beach with a picnic table to enjoy a trail beer.

Eventually, we made our way to Kellogg, ID. Just another night of hairy-legged men crammed in a motel room. Watching bad TV and fighting over the last of the ice cubes to keep the whiskey cold.

And that is a road trip. With a bunch of guys who have been hiking together for 25 years. All climbing into their 50’s. All hoping to have another 25 years left to give.
GoatBoy out!