Another notch in the belt. Really, it’s an actual Notch.
Iceberg Notch in GNP. It’s only sometimes a stand-alone climb, but it’s fun nevertheless. I even threw in some retro pics!
and so much more
Iceberg Notch in GNP. It’s only sometimes a stand-alone climb, but it’s fun nevertheless. I even threw in some retro pics!
A climb up what I use to think of as a very ordinary and unimaginative mole hill. But appearances can deceive.
Climbing the Angel Wing in Glacier Park on an absolutely perfect day! Complete with ponds of blood!
Paying tribute to a peak named after James W Schultz. And the many ways he spelled his Blackfeet name.
Ptarmigan Tunnel AGAIN. Not a bad way to spend a marginal day.
A perfect day of solitude on one of my favorite peaks in GNP.
What has Dave been doing? Well, time to work the backlog.
Morning stroll up Mt Reynolds
A nice way to spend a random afternoon, Glacier style. And with people!
I get to pre-check my old Red Bus from last year, and then not drive it.